Philosophy of Shorinjiryu Kenkokan Karatedo

Karatedo is often thought to be simply a physical demonstration of fighting expertise. Much of the misconception has been the result of sensationalistic demonstrations, movies, and television. While it is certainly true that Karatedo can be most effective, the study of Karatedo is much more than the obvious. Karatedo must become a way of life, with a goal of self-perfection. The serious Karatedo student must strive to develop mentally and spiritually as well as physically; "... he who would study Karatedo must always strive to be inwardly humble and outwardly gentle."

Brief History of Shorinjiryu Kenkokan Karatedo

One of the more recent and most practical methods of Karate practiced in Japan today is called Kenkokan Karatedo. This particular school was founded in 1946 by (Shinan) Kaiso Masayoshi Kori Hisataka. During his early years, Dr. Hisataka studied and became adept at both Kempo Karate and Okinawa-Te. Shorinjiryu Kenkokan karate is a practical composite of striking, kicking, throwing, holding, and choking techniques. As students build strong bodies, they find themselves gaining in confidence and in self-respect.


"Spiritual Development of Individuality in Mind and Body"
(Dokuji Gyo Sei Ki - 独自 僥 精 気)

Kenkokan School Principles (Dojo Kun)

  1. Maintain propriety, etiquette, dignity, and grace.

  2. Gain self-understanding by tasting the true meaning of combat.

  3. Search for pure principles of being: truth, justice, and beauty.

  4. Exercise positive personality: confidence, courage, and determination.

  5. Always seek to develop the character further, aiming towards perfection and complete harmony with creation.